Publicado em , por Pedro Couto e Santos
13:24 GMT – now playing: Primus – “Jerry was a Racecar Driver”
Well, I took some time off to reconsider this whole diary weblog thing. I had my reservations about it… I suppose everyone doing this sort of thing will have the same doubts along the way. I think I’ve sorted them out and I’m ready to go on. I find it an interesting stress killing experience, at least.
19:30 GMT – np: Queen – “I’m Going Slightly Mad”
It’s the company’s first anniversary today. One whole year of legal activity. Hooray.
I just finished a neat little illustration for our site, made after a Beatles record cover. Specifically, it’s based on “With the Beatles”, the one with the famous black and white picture of John, George and Paul on the “top row” and Ringo on the bottom. It should be online later on, together with a simple text regarding the anniversary which I also wrote.
Well, it’s still cold and raining, which was not too bad for April (it’s not unusual), but it’s starting to get annoying for May. Not that I like heat, I hate it… but it’s a bit too depressing out there.
I went to the car shop a while ago to change a stop light. They changed it on the spot, which was nice. I always feel stupid around mechanics… It’s just like they know so much, and know exactly what to do with each different car. I couldn’t even remember to turn the electric system on before pressing the brake peal to check which light was broken.
The mechaninc had to tell me: “you have to turn the car on first…”
Cars are somewhat mystical aren’t they? They’re so… mechanical. Weird stuff.
I’m in stress mode. I feel I could chew the tires out of a LandCruiser, but I don’t exactly know why, where this pressure is coming from. I get like this a lot and usually end up breaking something the first time Windows crashes on me.