Working pains

Publicado em , por Pedro Couto e Santos

23:11 GMT

Well, I spent the whole day in pain. My hands, particularly my right hand, can’t take the mouse and keyboard anymore. It hurts just to be still.

My biggest concern is that drawing is becoming hard (I have to hold one of my fingers with another finger… what a mess), and playing the guitar is also becoming quite painful. I’m starting to learn some Kung-fu exercises, which are great for stretching and recently I heard about Tensegrity, which, aside from its philosophy, consists of a large number of physical exercises which also promote stretching, particularly of the tendons. If you’re curious go here. I’ve only recently learnt about Tensegrity, so don’t hold me responsible if you find it offensive in some way.

So maybe by practicing these stretching exercises I can overcome some of my tendon problems… my hand mobility is becoming seriously limited and I don’t like that one bit.


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